We provide a very straightforward service for pre-commissioning new water systems in accordance with the BSRIA guidelines. The tougher challenge faces facilities managers in older buildings such as hotels or office blocks, where systems need flushing and cleaning after years of neglect.
Often the first sign you have that your water system needs cleaning is when a component such as a heating or cooling unit stops working. The first instinct may be to replace the unit, but if it’s a blockage in the pipes or valves that’s causing the problem, spending money on new components won’t help.
We have developed a chemical flushing and cleaning system that works gently to remove corrosion and debris from water systems without damaging them. What’s more, it can be carried out without taking your system offline, so there is no disruption to your normal service. The benefits are clean, efficient, trouble-free systems that save you money in running costs, maintenance and the unnecessary replacement of expensive parts.
Call Invicta Water Treatment on: 01293 781077